The Noctuary

Night Thoughts of Alexander Glass

The Sharpen’d quill: Writing


‘Time’s Own Gravity’ – Interzone #288 (September-October 2020)
This is a pendant to a possible SF novel – tentatively called ‘The Exile’.  There’s some Zelazny in here, of course, though he would have made Lukasz the central character.  The clocks are probably from either Sapphire and Steel, or Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol, or both. 

‘The Great West Gate’ – Black Static #78-79, March 2021
I think this is partly drawn from my childhood – I didn’t live by the Great West Gate, but my earliest memories are of a house in the middle of nowhere in Sri Lanka; and though I was younger then than John is in this story, I, like him, and like all children I suppose, struggled to understand the strange and seemingly oppressive world of adults.

‘A Hollow in the Sky’ – Interzone #290-291, June 2021
A planet-wide group mind, a monk in space, multi-dimensional aliens and a wasp. (I’m pretty sure that isn’t giving too much away.)

‘The Reckoning’ – The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November/December 2021
Sometimes you write something and it just works, first time, barely an edit – all the right words flying from the fingertips. This one concerns words in time and the solitude of genius…

Coming soon to a publication near you

‘The Faerie Engine – Interzone, date TBC
In a way this is a very distant sequel to my old story ‘From the Corner of My Eye’ in Asimov’s, set in the same universe, not that it matters. There’s a bit of faerie (apparently – but appearances are meaningful in faerie), there’s a bit of SF – but it’s a different take to Michael Stanwick’s (excellent) work.

‘The Pain Barrier’ – Interzone, date TBC
Part of a loose sequence along with ‘The Faerie Engine’ and ‘From the Corner of My Eye’ – hmm, I might be writing the AI Martian Chronicles.

‘The Soul Doctors’ – Interzone, date TBC
Hopefully the first in a series, introducing Wagner, an interdimensional trucker… And making use of Blues Engine songs as a soundtrack.

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